How to Train a Portuguese Water Dog Dog Puppy

The Portuguese Water Dog is an energetic, intelligent breed that thrives with proper training and socialization from a young age. When choosing a Portuguese Water Dog puppy, look for one from a reputable breeder that has been well-socialized and has had health testing done on the parents. At minimum, the parents should be tested for hip and elbow dysplasia, eye issues like progressive retinal atrophy, and juvenile dilated cardiomyopathy.

Pick an outgoing puppy that seems interested in people and their surroundings. Avoid shy puppies or those that seem aggressive. If possible, meet the puppy's parents to get an idea of the temperament and energy levels you can expect as your pup grows up.

Preparing Your Home

Before bringing home your Portuguese Water Dog puppy, be sure to puppy-proof your house. This energetic and curious breed will want to explore and chew everything in sight. Remove any toxic houseplants, secure loose wires, pick up small objects off the floor, and block access to any rooms or areas you don't want them wandering into.

You'll need a crate large enough for your Portuguese Water Dog to stand up, lie down, and turn around in. The crate will be an important training tool and give your pup a place to relax. Set up an exercise pen with absorbent potty pads for when you can't directly supervise your pup.

Stock up on the necessities like a leash, collar, bowls, puppy food, toys, and treats. Having everything prepped will make the transition easier when you bring your new puppy home.

Picking Up Your Puppy

Once you bring home your Portuguese Water Dog puppy, immediate bonding is key. Spend time cuddling, playing gently, and hand feeding meals. Take them out to potty frequently, praising when they go in the right spot.

The first night home can be difficult, as puppies often cry when left alone. Try placing the crate near your bed and putting your hand nearby to reassure them. Resist taking them out if they cry or you'll reinforce the behavior. Stick to a schedule and don't give in.

Be aware the first few days are stressful for a puppy as they transition. Be patient and understanding while also sticking to a routine to help them acclimate. Gradually increase alone time and independence.

House Training

House training a Portuguese Water Dog puppy takes consistency, patience and positive reinforcement. Take them out first thing in the morning, after eating, after playing, and every 1-2 hours in between. Give a verbal cue like "go potty." When they go in the right spot, praise excitedly and give a treat. This helps reinforce where they should go.

Supervise closely or crate when you can't watch them. Limit access to areas of the home until fully trained. If you catch them in the act of an accident inside, clap loudly to startle them and immediately take them outside. Don't punish after the fact, as they won't understand.

Clean all accidents thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove odors. Be consistent and patient, extending time between potty breaks as their control improves. This process takes time, but being consistent is key.

Crate Training

Crate training utilizes a dog's natural instinct to not soil their sleeping area. It also teaches them to be comfortable alone. Make it a positive space by feeding them in there and having them sleep in it at night near your bed.

Limit time crated during day to a few hours at first, taking them out immediately when released. If they have accidents or cry, you may be crating too long. Increase duration gradually as they develop control.

Give treats when they enter calmly and quietly. If barking or whining, wait till they settle before letting out. Don't use the crate solely for punishment, as they'll come to dislike it. The crate should be their safe den, not a jail.


Socializing your Portuguese Water Dog puppy properly is crucial to raising a confident, friendly dog. Expose them to new sights, sounds, people, animals, places and situations starting as early as 8-12 weeks old. Let them explore safely and reward calm responses.

Set up controlled meetings with vaccinated, gentle dogs to teach good manners and play skills. Invite over different people, especially men, children and people wearing hats or using assistive devices. Take them on car rides, to parks and pet stores. Go slowly at first to avoid overstimulation.

Sign up for a puppy kindergarten class as soon as they have their vaccinations. This provides important socialization and training during the critical 4-16 week period. Keep socializing them throughout their first two years of life.

Basic Training

Portuguese Water Dog puppies are very intelligent and eager to learn. Take advantage of this by starting training early and doing daily 5-10 minute training sessions. Make it fun and rewarding!

Work on basic cues like sit, stay, down, come, heel and leave it. Be sure to use hand signals as well as verbal cues. Portuguese Water Dogs can be selective listeners when it suits them! Use reward-based methods and be patient – puppies have short attention spans.

Enroll in a puppy obedience class by 12 weeks for continued socialization and training. This teaches you how to communicate with and train your pup. You'll cover manners, responsiveness and control. A class provides great bonding time with your puppy.

Exercise Needs

As a working breed, Portuguese Water Dogs need regular exercise and mental stimulation. Take your puppy on daily walks and play sessions. Free running in a safe area is great exercise – just be sure to have good recall control first.

Take caution with high impact exercise while your puppy is still growing and developing joints. Avoid long hikes, jogging or agility work on hard surfaces. Stick to leashed walking, swimming, and play. As your pup matures, ramp up duration, intensity and variety.

In addition to physical exercise, present mental challenges. Use puzzle toys, training sessions, food tubes and hide and seek games. A tired puppy is a well-behaved puppy!

Grooming Needs

The Portuguese Water Dog has a thick, curly coat that requires regular brushing and grooming. Get your pup used to being handled and brushed from a young age. Gently brush their coat a few times per week to prevent mats and tangles.

Trim or file their nails as needed, usually every 1-2 weeks. Introduce teeth brushing using dog-safe toothpaste. Check their ears weekly and clean out excess debris and wax. Professional full grooming every 6-8 weeks is recommended.

Make grooming a positive experience with praise and rewards. If you want to keep their coat short, introduce clippers slowly and use lots of treats. Regular grooming will keep your pup comfortable as they grow.

Nutrition Needs

Proper nutrition is key to raising a healthy Portuguese Water Dog puppy. Choose a premium large breed puppy food formulated for their growth needs. Feed set meals on a schedule matched to their age rather than free feeding.

Growing puppies need more calories, protein, vitamins and minerals. Follow portion guidelines based on projected adult weight and monitor their body condition. Adjust amounts as needed, easing to adult food around 12 months old.

Supplement with omega fatty acids for brain, eye and joint development. Provide steady access to fresh water. Avoid overfeeding treats and table scraps. Partner with your vet to ensure your puppy's diet supports healthy development.

Health and Veterinary Needs

Portuguese Water Dog puppies need regular veterinary care to stay happy and healthy. Follow your vet's schedule for deworming, vaccinations and examinations. Common needs include:

  • 8, 12 and 16 week vaccinations
  • Rabies vaccine at 16 weeks
  • Intestinal deworming every 2 weeks until 16 weeks
  • Flea, tick and heartworm preventatives started by 8 weeks

Schedule spaying/neutering around 6-9 months old. Enroll in pet health insurance, especially with a breed prone to issues like hip dysplasia. Let your vet know right away if you have any concerns about your puppy's health or development.

Common Puppy Issues

Despite your best efforts, puppies can develop some behavior or health issues. Here are some common Portuguese Water Dog puppy problems and how to handle them:

Biting/Nipping – Redirect to chew toys. Yelp if they bite skin. Ignore if seeking attention. Don't play rough.

Potty Training Issues – Reevaluate schedule, supervision, confinement, and reinforcement. Consult trainer or vet.

Leash Pulling – Use no-pull harness and stop moving if they pull. Reward slack leash walking.

Separation Anxiety – Practice alone time slowly. Give special treats when alone. Avoid emotional hellos/goodbyes.

Car Sickness– Gradually desensitize through short successful trips. Don't feed right before travel. Clean messes with enzyme cleaner.

Diarrhea – Consult your vet if persists more than 24 hours or contains blood. Medication, diet change, or illness may be factors.

Stay patient and consistent when handling issues. Seek professional help if needed. With time, training and socialization, your Portuguese Water Dog will grow into a fun-loving, loyal companion.

Life with an Adult Portuguese Water Dog

With proper training, socialization and care from puppyhood, a Portuguese Water Dog grows into a delightful companion dog and active family member. They thrive when included in activities and adventures.

Portuguese Water Dogs remain playful, loving and energetic into adulthood. They continue to need at least an hour of vigorous exercise daily plus mental stimulation. Continue training to reinforce their social skills and obedience.

Their exercise needs and tendency to jump and mouth when excited make them better suited to homes with older, active kids. Supervise young children and dogs closely.

Grooming remains important – clip their curly coat every 6-8 weeks and brush 1-2 times per week. Keep up with flea, tick and heartworm prevention. Feed a high quality diet tailored for their age and activity level.

While mischievous and vocal at times, the Portuguese Water Dog aims to please their people. With the proper care, training and outlets for their energy, they make a wonderful companion for many years to come. Congratulations on your adorable new puppy!

Final Tips

Here are a few final tips on bringing home your Portuguese Water Dog puppy:

  • Ask the breeder about parent health, temperament and early life experiences. Meet the mother dog if possible.

  • Stock up on supplies before puppy comes home – crate, leash, collar, bowls, toys, cleaners etc.

  • Puppy proof your home by removing hazards and blocking off unsafe areas.

  • Stick to a schedule for feeding, potty trips, training etc. Puppies thrive on consistency.

  • Use positive reinforcement and reward-based training methods. Be patient.

  • Socialize your puppy safely to a wide variety of people, places and other animals.

  • Provide a proper high-quality diet, regular exercise, grooming and veterinary care.

  • Take lots of pictures and enjoy this special time with your Portuguese Water Dog puppy!

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